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New Online “Flexible” Basic Certification Courses:  FAQs

What is the purpose of these abbreviated courses?

We represent and work with corporations, businesses and organizations in many different types of industries all over the U.S.  The main concern
of the executives and decision-makers is the lack of a competitive workforce.  Many graduating students and employment applicants do not have the basic foundation in business professionalism, communication and drive. 

These courses have been designed to separate motivated applicants from the unmotivated.  By completing this course, you will be displaying determination, perseverance, and motivation to potential employers. This course provides you the opportunity to learn the importance of soft skills and the basics in your industry as well as showcase to employers that you have the “drive”.  By completing this course you demonstrate to employers that you are serious and are willing to put in the extra effort to complete a project. With a competitive industry, this course will help you shine in a very crowded pool of applicants. 

When can I start the course?

These courses are available to only to selected students, so you can register and start the course as soon as you are ready. The multi-level registration process is easy, reliable and safe to navigate.

How long does it take to complete this course?

Our flexible online courses are as unique as our diverse students and participants. Some courses do have time limits and are closed enrollment and others are self-paced and are open enrollment, so you can start when you want and finish at your own pace. The courses have been designed to be abbreviated and allow students to cover a lot of material or subjects in a more efficient and accelerated manner.  Some online basic certifications take 4 – 8 hours and several more extensive courses require 120 + hours to complete. All USOA certifications and courses require students to complete each sectional quiz with a score of 80 or 90% to move on to the next module.  When you register, you’ll receive multiple chances to retake each quiz to complete the course. Please contact your administrator for more details.

Can I register for a course if I am an international student?

Yes, US Online Academy courses are completely online. However, keep in mind that not all certifying bodies or industry-specific certifications are recognized internationally. Please review your country’s regulations prior to enrolling in courses that prepare for certification.

What kind of support will I receive?

The course has been designed by industry and educational experts. All questions and communications will be conducted via email. We have invested heavily in an automated process every step of the way, from registration to certificate completion. Occasionally, your course may be supported by a team of industry experts. You will also receive additional support from the IT development and customer service teams.

What happens when I complete the course?

Upon successful completion of the course, you will be awarded a “Certificate of Completion” with an important unique certificate ID. Participating employers will ask for proof that you completed the course successfully.  Each applicant will be emailed an official certificate and have their own certificate ID to showcase and provide to employers. 

Am I guaranteed a job and does this course prepare me for any certification?

No, these USOA certification and courses will provide you with the basic knowledge you need to obtain the position you want or are working towards. In some courses, participating employers will provide a “preferred status” to all applicants who participate in selected courses.  All students should always do research on the job market in their area before registering. We are proud to partner with selected universities and industry experts to provide industry-specific certifications and additional learning opportunities.